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Annual meeting 2017


Team: All


This year we met on November 25 and 26 to review the past year. The year 2017 was all about CCR technology.
In the meantime, we have almost only CCR systems in use in the team. Over the year 2017, a lot of experiences, problems and solution concepts for different areas of application have been developed, which now had to be tested with regard to their actual suitability and safety.

So the goal of our annual meeting was to define a configuration and procedure that is suitable for both simple sea diving and deep, challenging cave diving - without having to constantly adjust the equipment or behaviors - and without compromising on safety.
We have intensively discussed all configurations, experiences, procedures, challenges and solutions. To avoid theoretical discussions, we went through each device type, configuration and procedure in detail. We worked out advantages and disadvantages and finally tested their performance under water and recorded them on video for later analysis. While reviewing the films, we were thus able to make further refinements and optimizations quickly and efficiently.

At the end of the two days, we had a finished set of rules that standardized our three types of equipment to the extent that safe diving is possible at all levels with the same equipment at all times. We will now transfer these points piece by piece to the team and if our assumptions are confirmed on the next project, we will share our ideas with you. Until then, please be patient ;-).

In this sense,

Your Cavebase

