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Film Festival in Belgrade


Unser letztes Projekt hat speziell in Serbien einen tiefen Eindruck hinterlassen. Wir wurden bereits unmittelbar nach dem Projekt angesprochen, ob wir ggf. auf dem diesjährigen Unterwasser Filmfestival unseren Film vorstellen wollten – für uns natürlich eine sehr große Ehre!




This weekend the time had come. First from Munich to Ljubljana to pay a short visit to Matej Simonic, the DIR Slovenia leader. After spending the night with Matej, Darko and Wilke drove on to Belgrade and "bravely" fought their way through the snowstorm. All in all almost 40h of driving, but it was worth it! In a fully occupied cinema our film was shown around 23:00 o'clock as a conclusion.

After the screening, the audience was visibly impressed, many thanked us personally and were eager to get to know us better. At the joint dinner we also met our friends from the last project again and immediately made new plans for the late summer 2013...

Film festival link:


With this in mind,

Your Cavebase